Friday, January 26, 2007


On November 5th 2006, before Carmen was given her noise ordinance violation citation, an empty headed jerk neighbor of Carmen's named Richard Jordan threw an empty liquir bottle at Carmen's house because he didn't like her barbeque. When the police arrived to deal with Mr. Jordan he was just belligerant towards Eastpointe's finest and was not only charged with disturbing the peace, but resisting arrest as well. The strange thing is though when he was taken to the police station he refused to post bail according to the police report, he didn't post bail so he could "Speak with Judge Redmond in the morning" according to the same report. Now this fact and the fact that he was one of the leading neighbors that described Carmen as a "nuisance" to Judge Redmond when Carmen went to court on the 21st of November to deal with her citation(who was then as we all know, railroaded by the Judicial Tyrant Norene Redmond) makes this case SCREAM of impropriaty. Now the Judicial Tenure Committee of Michigan has been notified to these impropriaties and the Judicial "Hit job" that Norene Redmond committed against Carmen on November 21st, 2006; we need to hold Mr. Jordan accountable though to his crimes now and let him experience the dehumanizing experience that is jail, that he aided in Carmen experiencing for no legitimate reason. Now here comes the part where you the reader come into play in this mission. I need you the reader to pick up your telephone and contact the Macomb County prosecuter, and make him advocate for a punishment for Richard Jordan that is on the same scale that Carmen experienced. Because that it's unlikely that a DA that is working under Norene Redmond will do the right thing behind closed doors, we need to "assist" in doing the right thing by using the ultimate tool in destroying political corruption: SUNSHINE!! That means contacting the local media in the Detroit/Macomb County area about Richard Jordan's case and how it is connectecd with Carmen Granata's plight, they'll respond because this was the news story of the year in 2006 in that area. Now for the valuable phone number info that you'll be needing in this mission of ours.

Macomb County District Attorney
-Eric Smith: 586-469-5350

Detroit Free Press
Macomb bureau: 586-469-4680
Reporter Dan Cortez: 586-469-1827

The Macomb Daily
Editor -- Philip Van Hulle (586) 783-0372
Reporter -- Jamie Cook (586) 783-0314 (He did a Story on Carmen)

WXYZ: Detroit ABC affiliate
Newsroom: 248-827-9407

WDIV: Detroit NBC affiliate
Newsroom: 313-222-0500

Please Call these the phone numbers I've listed before tuesday 1/30/2007.

Good Luck and Sic Semper Tyrannis

W.H. Sauter


laughing said...

You guys just wont quit will you!
that guy your taling about was just giving there bottles back and one accidentaly broke it was not intentional like you are stateing.Also I read it was at 4:00am in the mornig not during there bbq that your stateing.Get your facts straight !!!!

W.H.Sauter said...

Attention laughing, that's not what the arrest report says. If it happened like you said it did why did the Eastpointe cops arrest him and if he was so polite why did he resist arrest as well? I know your probably either Norene, one of her minions, or one of Carmen's idiot neighbor(probably Jordan himself). I'll remind you that bullies in thugs always get their retribution in the end, because the sword of the lady of Justice will always find criminals and tyrants and give them what they deserve.

laughingStill said...

Yeah I'am one of the neighbors and yes the police were wrong he did not resist arrest and I know that for a fact.No I'm not Richard Jordan and I do not know him personaly but I seen what happen and what you are saying is not the truth.Thats probaly why he hasn't been to court yet because he has a lawyer and his lawyer knows what he or she is doing.Also the comments about Carmens idiot neighbors who are you to judge them have you ever spoke to them to find out the truth? Probaly not we are the ones as homeowners who have to live on that street not you and yes Carmens house was getting out of hand and thank god its quiet now .Just put it this way those neighbors did her a favor before someone got hurt either by drinking and driving or an overdose,Or even worse one of are neighborhood children geting ran over by her and her drunk friends.You shouldn't point fingers untill you know the Whole story . (You must be one of there friends)To believe such a Retarded story that she went to jail because a girl was on her cell phone ! Not True at all I live probaly about 6 or seven houses down and heard yelling from a girl and a couple of guys saying f the cops and this neighborhood standing outside in the street . Thats why the cops came back For the third time that day.Thats why she got a ticket and the conclusion of her going to jail because she dont have respect for others and also her friends have no respect for others and as a home owner she is held accountable for her guest actions.If I had a party and under age drinking was rampant and someone left my house and killed someone I would be sued!Get My Point!!!!

laughingStill said...
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W.H.Sauter said...

"Yeah I'am one of the neighbors and yes the police were wrong he did not resist arrest and I know that for a fact."
Well according to Eastepointe's finest he was resisting arrest so who do I believe, the "wrong" cops that arrested Jordan on the spot for disturbing the peace or the "wrong" cops that cited Carmen for violating the noise ordinance.
"No I'm not Richard Jordan and I do not know him personaly but I seen what happen and what you are saying is not the truth.Thats probaly why he hasn't been to court yet because he has a lawyer and his lawyer knows what he or she is doing."
He also has a crooked Judge that uses her office to do unethical and illegal favors for their friends.
"Also the comments about Carmens idiot neighbors who are you to judge them have you ever spoke to them to find out the truth? Probaly not we are the ones as homeowners who have to live on that street not you and yes Carmens house was getting out of hand and thank god its quiet now .Just put it this way those neighbors did her a favor before someone got hurt either by drinking and driving or an overdose,Or even worse one of are neighborhood children geting ran over by her and her drunk friends."
You see I'm in a good position to Judge them because they're the same idiots that use false talking points from a crooked judge and thugish neighbors. The same neighbors who accuse someone of a crime they have no proof of committing and use false evidence or "Guilt by association" evidence to convict people. I know you little knuckledragging idiots saw on Redmonds website the picture of her 20 year old brother drinking a beer in Canada but before you start feeling justified when seeing Carmen burned at the stake, I'd like to bring two items two your attention; number one: IN CANADA HE'S OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE, and number two: IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CARMEN. You see because you know someone personally that has made bad choices in their past doesn't mean you should be punished for their poor choices. Another thing is you can't just accuse people of drug abuse, and punish them for it, if you don't have any evidence to back it up. You see I could say you masterbate to child pornography (Since you're a backer of Redmond and Jordan I wouldn't be surprised if you do), but if I don't any evidence to back it up, it's heresay and not legitimate evidence in a court of law.
"You shouldn't point fingers untill you know the Whole story . (You must be one of there friends)To believe such a Retarded story that she went to jail because a girl was on her cell phone ! Not True at all I live probaly about 6 or seven houses down and heard yelling from a girl and a couple of guys saying f the cops and this neighborhood standing outside in the street . Thats why the cops came back For the third time that day.Thats why she got a ticket and the conclusion of her going to jail because she dont have respect for others and also her friends have no respect for others and as a home owner she is held accountable for her guest actions."
You see what I have a hard time believing is this is the same "wrong" cops you talked about earlier so I have to believe them and besides, her surrounding neighbors say she's a good neighbor, and they don't throw empty liquir bottles at people they don't like. Besides if it was true do you think someone should be punished for someone else's behavior, you don't see me punishing others for your child pornography collection(Referring to the point I made earlier). And before if I forget if you want respect you have to earn it,it isn't given.
"If I had a party and under age drinking was rampant and someone left my house and killed someone I would be sued!Get My Point!!!!"
Well yeah you would be sued but it'd probably be worth it for you so you can satisfy your pedophilia fetish (Really nailing home the point here are you getting it). But you see you once again are using false evidence or no evidence to back up your argument. You don't have any solid evidence to back up those charges and once again THAT ISN'T WHAT CARMEN WAS CHARGED WITH. You see you hold people accountable for what they've actually done not what people pretend or wish they had done.

laughingStill said...

Okay Mr Sauter She has no proof either that she was innocent of her accusations. Why do you think Mr jordan did not go to jail because the police were wrong .They were upset with the granata household at the time and yes he did toss a beer bottle and he can addmit he was wrong ! Has Carmen admit that she was wrong ever? No she has not!!! The main point here is you all are liars!!!!People that care about there community do not have to put up with Young adults thinking they can get away with everything.Mr Jordan probaly was upset and loss his cool but did not throw a bottle at anyone he was tossing there beer bottle back on there lawn.Obviously he had a bad throw and missed hitting the street ! It was not even in there yard!Or near anybody.One day you'll all grow up and have a family of your own and take pride in your home and you'll see how these people felt about what was going on.This was not just one night this has been going on ever since they moved in march 2006.We have our rights too!
Refering to your comments about you calling the neighbors that used false talking points in front of the judge Idiots well your the idiot for even stateing that when you were not there and you dont know what these people had to go through on a regular basis.
For you to even suggest that there child molesters you are sick and twisted and your stupid blog makes no sense what so ever! you have no facts or truth about any of it so I think you should back down on the real innocent people in all this!
One more thing about the picture on the judges website on Mario drinking it was not in canada it was in his own home and other places in America ! I do know that because I do live on the street a couple houses down and seen them bring in the keg and cases of beer and bongs on a regular basis!There not all sweet and innocent either so quit trying to pass the buck on other people !!!
It's time to move on from this story there is more important things in this world that is going on ! This bratty stuck up young adult who thinks she can get away with everything is old now and nobody realy cares about it!!
You also need to quit trying to slam other people when you only have one sided facts ! how do you sleep at night knowing all you do is tell lies to better yourself and your stupid cause against our government . Try to have a little faith not everyone is crooked maybe you think that because you are!!!!
Last but not least Did you read the law in eastpointe for noise ordiance? You can recieve up to 90 days in jail and two years of probation .Carmen only got 30 actualy 28 days and got her daily alchol and drug testing wiped away so she is lucky not to have been sitting there for 90 days so Shut up already!!! That is a Fact!!!!

laughingStill said...
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laughingStill said...

Nobody on this street besides two neighbors that have the same things in common with carmen are her friends on this street everybody else wishes they would just move!!!

W.H.Sauter said...

You people must have a very sad existence if you have to take your rage out on a young women like Carmen. The reason I deleted your comments on some of these threads is because most on them are trite crap. You try to justify her punishment and show absolutely no tolerance towards others. The reason why Richard Jordan hasn't gone to jail is because he has a crooked judge that keeps postponing his courtdate until the media loses interest so she she can give her friend Mr. Jordan his lite sentence in her Captain Kangaroo Courtroom. I hope you can someday come to grips with what you're doing and ask for forgiveness.

laughingharder said...

There's no Rage !! your the people that started all this! Writting and blogging all this Crap! Thats what it is Crap!
You keep saying poor girl this poor girl that were just sick of it! She was warned several times end of story ! she chose to disobey the law and sometimes you aint ao lucky and have to serve 30 days ! Thats why we have laws!
Mr Sauter Who do you think you are?
I hope one day when you meet your maker he or she forgives you!!!!!
Sorry you live your life with such sad existence!!!!

W.H.Sauter said...

There is no rage?!? You're kidding me right? God I hope so, because if you aren't you need to be institutionalized in a mental health facility before you harm others. If you honestly feel what happened to Carmen is right or just, you truly need professional help my friend.

yourAJoke said...
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